Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Artikel and conversation




Disusun Oleh   :



Praise to God all praise belongs to Allah SWT. Which has provided a healthy favor and had the grace and blessings could finish.
For the perfection , expect criticism and suggestions from readers as we only human who make mistakes. Hopefully this paper for dear readers

Pamekasan 27 March 2014


Cover Paper ...............................................................................................................
Introduction ................................................................................................................
Table Of Contents .......................................................................................................
CHAPTER I Discussion .............................................................................................
A.  Artikel…………………………………………………………………………….
B.  conversation……………………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER II  Closing ..............................................................................................
References ....................................................................................................................

A. Artikel

Rising Oil Price a Boon for the US Economy

According to the investors, the high-ceilinged oil price has come up with positive news for the U.S. economy. The price rose because of the fact that the private sector added almost 111,000 jobs in October 2011. The Automatic Data Processing reported that the service industries got plenty of benefits.As a result of soaring oil prices, Benchmark crude rose by 32 cents to end the day at $92.51 per barrel in New York, while Brent crude lost 20 cents to finish at $109.34 a barrel in London. After a two-day meeting of the Federal Reserve, which doesn’t announce any new policy, the prices on oil may slip a little bit.
The studies depicted that the decision taken by the Fed has a greater impact on oil prices. Last year the Fed decision supported the prices of oil as well drained $600 billion into a bond-buying program. Hence, such things influenced the currency and commodity markets. As a result of alteration in oil price, Benchmark crude mounted 20% higher in 2010.Despite the fact that consumers are ready to spend more, it is a very difficult task to manage downside risk. Hence, the economy is losing its importance on the commodity market. If the economy stays standstill, then the central bank assures to take a leap step.
As mentioned by the Energy Information Administration, the prices on U.S. oil and gasoline climbed up in the last week in October 2011 because of less demand for oil. Another point to note down here is that the demand for distillate supplies that include diesel and heating oil dropped enormously. However, the demand for distillate supplies, especially in foreign countries resulted to increase in export.The demand for diesel is escalating because farmers require the fuel for harvesting. In North America and U.S. industries, many energy companies are expanding oil and natural gas drilling operations.
The retail price on diesel has increased 80.1 cents higher per gallon. Its price will keep on rising because of the existing market scenario. According to, Wright Express and Oil Price Information Service, gasoline prices fell less than a penny to a national average of $3.432 per gallon. The price of gasoline is soaring at $4 per gallon. However, a gallon of regular oil is available at reasonable rate.According to the energy trading, the heating oil lost 3.72 cents to end at $3.0007 per gallon. Gasoline futures finished at $2.6272 per gallon. Natural gas lost 3.2 cents to end at $3.749 per 1,000 cubic feet.
Opini :
My opinion over rising fuel prices do not agree, because I think with dinaikannya fuel prices may trigger or affect the prices of other basic needs of society.

B.  conversation

Gita     : good morning. so how order for today?
Putri    : good morning. have noted the number and  model or size of the order. number of 250 pairs of shoes that have been order
Gita     : good. I command you to put the notebook on the desk
Putri    : Ok. but there I want to tell, about the consumer who ask neighbor shoe we produce
Gita        : at 10:00 pm. You to my room for discuss this neighbor
CLOCK 10.00 PM
Putri      : permission, I may enter ?
Gita        : come in,  so what's the story?
Putri      : consumers said that a consumers satisfied with our shoes production.  but consumers are waiting for the latest shoe design our production
Gita        : I just wanted to call a meeting to discuss the design and concept of our latest shoes
Putri      : But git, What is not too soon issue the new design?
Gita        : launched the latest draft beginning in October or November. because greater opportunities.
Putri      : brilliant minds, so the stock of goods in the store does nor exist
Gita        : yes, benefit. but the concept is still nor sure. what is more to the luxurious  or simple ?
Putri      : Hmmm, Why do nor we take two concepts at once? more luxurious impression.
Gita        : 2 the concept of direct ?
Putri      : challenge is not it ?
Gita        : Ok. developing creative,  so we thought
Putri      : Yes. So when we call a meeting?
Gita        : 08:30 tomorrow we held a meeting
Putri      : Ok. See you tomorrow.

